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Founded in 1997, the Society of Petroleum Engineering Students (SAIP) is a site for the exchange of ideas between students of the Petroleum Engineering career, its main objective is to integrate the oil community by carrying out various activities for the benefit of the students.


To involve both students and authorities by strengthening bonds of solidarity, being the students' society the direct link between both, in order to reach to agreements for the benefit of the university community.


To foster a sense of identity with the institution and unify the student body creating an environment conducive to optimal academic and personal development, achieving greater recognition within and outside the institution.


Among its activities are various courses, sports activities, social and cultural events, attending conferences and disseminating information of interest for the student.

Welcome to the generation of new oil engineers
Intersemester courses "Summer 2019
Toy Collection
Intersemester courses "Winter 2020
Tours in the "Services for the Oil Industry Unit
Conference on "Social Service and the Graduation Process
English Conversation Club

Board of Directors

Manuel Mendoza Priego
Raúl García Martínez
Vice President
Astrid Cantero Martínez
General Secretary
Samanta Hernández Hermosillo
General Secretary
Katya Marely Barrera Chávez
Jorge Yatzael Sandoval Benitez
Student Liaison Coordinator
Jacqueline Gallardo Flores
Language Coordinator
Omar Isai Briones Fernéndez
Academic Coordinator
Franco José Benitez Villalba
Sports Coordinator
Bianca Lovera Nicolas
Cultural Coordinator
Diego Pérez Ramírez
Social Activities Coordinator
Rafael Ramírez de la Cruz
Social Networking Manager